This was Luke's last stage. The original plan was to cycle to Glasgow station for the 2:50pm train. This is the last train that would connect with others to get Luke back to work in Norwich.
A combination of tiredness from the ride the day before and extremely hospitable hosts meant we left a bit later than we had intended. The route was uninspiring (along the A74 right next to the M74 - this played hell with the GPS routing!). It was also pretty windy and in our faces for alot of the time. This is captured in this video clip.
Anyway half way into this stage we realised that we were not going to get to Glasgow in time so we hatched Plan B. We decided to try for an earlier train from Hamilton which would connect with the Glasgow train. This stage now turned into a race a against time over the worse roads so far encountered. At one point I hit the most enormous pothole at speed and lost my GPS - it survived with a few dings and scratches.
We ran into Hamilton station with seconds to spare. I dumped my bike on one platform and ran with Luke across the bridge as his train was coming in. He dived on bike and all and he was gone . . . . emotionally very difficult for me! I was now on my own having had co-riders all the way from Bristol. Luke's departure is captured here.
Download log file (text format): S10D07a.log
Download track file (Magellan MapSend format): S10D07a.trk
First of two stages today
Distance (miles): 59.32
Saddle time (hh:mm:ss): 4:17:26
Average speed (mph): 13.82
Max speed (mph): 29.00
Cumulative distance (miles): 675.29
Click on the images above to see them full size.
For details of how vertical profiles were derived from log files and the structure of the log files see this posting.
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