Slightly late start today and one hell of a dash to make it to Hamilton in time for Luke's connection back. One of our fastest average speeds - nearly 14mph - over hilly country and less than smooth roads, losing a mudguard entirely, and nearly the GPS too! We made this train (2:17) from Hamilton to Glasgow with seconds to spare. It was coming in as we ran over the bridge to the platform. Hopefully Luke will make it to Glasgow Central for an 8 hour journey back to Norwich arriving at '11 past stupid' as he puts it, to be at work on Monday morning! Not a very satisfactory end to a father and son team who had cycled so effectively together for over 250 miles.
So, today's iTune is especially for Luke: Mr Brightside (by The Killers) Buy it for 79p or click to sample through iTunes Music Store. The album is Hot Fuss - which is quite appropriate too, considering the rush we had to get here!
I'm on my own now, and have close on 50 miles to do to the B and B this evening...
Net ascent (decent) ft: (44)
Distance miles: 59.32
Average speed mph: 13.82
Time in saddle: 4:17:26
Cumulative Distance: 764.88