The Experts Online Service available to all Networks Online subscribers (eg ruralnet|online, CAN Online, DTA etc) just got better. Chris Endacott has joined the Expert panel to deal with queries relating to Sustainable Transportation. This should be a key resource to those seeking funding to sustainable transport initiatives or implementing Parish Transport Plans or putting together projects with a sustainable transport element.
Other Experts already in place include:
Health & Safety
Legal Issues
Employment Issues
Computers & Communications
Computer System Security
A full description of the Sustainable Transportation service is described below:
The Sustainable Transport (ST) EO is primarily concerned about the implementation of Sustainable Transport systems & policies in communities, businesses and public sector organisations. The remit covers a wide band from green transport awareness through travel and transport plans to the detailed selection and management of a vehicle fleet – be it cars, vans, buses, LCVs or HGVs.
The focus of the ST EO is on minimising the environmental and social impacts of transport choices while ensuring the needs of the organisation or community are met.
Areas that might be covered include:
Environmental issues – climate change, acid rain, air quality, noise, congestion.
Travel plans – implementations and options.
Alternative fuels – strengths and weaknesses
Personnel policies - how do these encourage/discourage transport
Rural transport issues – different priorities, different choices?
Technology – in the office, in the home, in the transport.
Grant funding: Transport Energy, Powershift, CleanUp, Vital Villages and many more!
As with the other EO forums every effort will be made to answer questions promptly but occasionally additional research will be required so please allow some time for the expert to respond in detail.
Notes to editors:
1. Experts Online is a free service to Networks Online subscribers.
2. Networks Online is subscription based and largely self-funding; anyone can join for around £80 a year; whilst whole networks can claim discounts or additional support, or bundle services into their own membership package
3. Free or subsidised training and free support are provided in using the system, to ensure all voluntary and community workers can participate
4. Key members of Networks Online include ruralnet|uk, a rural regeneration charity: see It established one of the first community computing centres in the country in the early 1990's and one of the earliest online communities, ruralnet|online, five years ago: see ruralnet|online is now at the heart of over 20 online collaboration networks.
5. ruralnet|online is one of the first-established online communities, about to celebrate its fifth birthday: see
6. Other networks who are members of Networks Online can be seen at