'Exploiting Your Rural Capital - New Perspectives on Rural Assets' will be the theme for ruralnet|2006.
Hosted by rural regeneration charity, ruralnet|uk, the annual conference is to be held in the East Midlands on 11-12 October, with support from East Midlands Development Agency (emda). The event will debate the importance of community, as well as economic resources for sustainability and social inclusion.
This year's supplement: 'Building Capitals for Communities' will focus on the experiences of market towns in the East Midlands as the foundation for rural regeneration.
Now in its 6th year, ruralnet|2006 will inspire and inform as before through networking, debate, essential plenary sessions, an interactive exhibition and a choice of workshops. Full programme details and speakers are to be confirmed. Discussion will start through a 'weblog' which all delegates will be able to access before, during and after the event. Conference development updates will be posted there too.
Simon Berry, Chief Executive, ruralnet|uk said,
"The ruralnet|uk conference is a unique event which brings together community workers, funders and policy makers. We create an environment that stimulates new thinking that informs and puts delegates in contact with others who can help them. You should expect your productivity and effectiveness to increase as a result of attending ruralnet|2006."
For further information and to book places online, go to: www.ruralnetuk.org/conference
To discuss conference sponsorship opportunities call David Head on 0845 1300 411.
Editors' notes
1. ruralnet|uk is a rural regeneration charity (no 1089238). See: www.ruralnetuk.org
2. emda is one of nine Regional Development Agencies in England established in 1999 to bring a regional focus to economic development. To find out more visit http://www.emda.org.uk