Networks Online relaunches with a new interface.
Networks Online, the collaborative ICT network provided by ruralnet|uk has been relaunched. A capacity building grant from the Active Communities Directorate has enabled ruralnet|uk to radically overhaul its online services.
This has allowed ruralnet|uk to make its service simpler, easier to access and more effective. This will benefit over 4,000 Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) customers by simplifying access to the capacity building resources contained within the network.
Exhaustive research into customer need in partnership with Community Action Network (CAN) and Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) has resulted in significant improvements to the layout, functionality and content of the service, including:
- A simplified, cleaner look and feel to the interface.
- Coupled with new and improved content to Experts Online, the Networks Online service providing knowledge, support and skills for the sector. The service has been restructured and new experts have been recruited growing the breadth of the service into accounting and book keeping.
A strategic alliance with GRANTfinder has been forged so Networks Online customers can access funding information directly.
Simon Marshall, Business Development Manager, ruralnet|uk said,
“This grant has provided ruralnet|uk with the opportunity to update our services, build our capacity and ensure that the voluntary sector can grow its capacity by using our services. My thanks to CAN and ACRE for their support, help and guidance in developing the service to such a high standard. Without this partnership the customers’ voice would have been much weaker and it would have been impossible to focus on the key areas for development”.
These services are available to customers of ruralnet|uk’s Networks Online Service.
If you are not already a customer, try out the services for free, and take out a 14-day trial here.
Contact: Simon Marshall for further information about the ruralnet|online service.
Editors Notes
1. ruralnet|uk is a rural development charity (no 1089238). For more information click here
2. A pioneer in building online communities, ruralnet|uk shares its online services with over 20 different networks, both urban and rural, under the banner of Networks Online. This includes ruralnet|online, a network of rural development workers. Click here for further information.