Every Year around £600 Million is left unclaimed in gift aid. Make Sure that you ensure your organization does not miss out by attending this workshop.
The Institute of Fundraising (‘Institute’) is joining with Ruralnet UK to bring the England-wide tax-effective giving training programme to Arthur Rank Centre, National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth on Thursday 15th March 2007 (11am to 4pm).
Developed and administered by the Institute, the workshop is designed to support charities in Warwickshire looking to maximise their income through Gift Aid, Share Giving, Payroll Giving and Legacies. The workshop will identify how charities can increase their income by making the most of the tax-effective giving methods that are currently available. Topics covered on the day will include how to increase the value of donations by almost 30% just by asking donors to reclaim they tax they have paid, how charities can promote Payroll Giving to promote a regular reliable income stream and the advantages of giving shares.
Title: Tax-Effective Giving
Date: Thursday 15th March 2007 (11am to 4pm)
Venue: Arthur Rank Centre, National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh Park
Cost: £20, inclusive of buffet lunch, refreshments and all course materials
To book: Call 0845 337 3801 or email [email protected]
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