David Ellis said 'This is fantastic news. ruralnet|uk has long recognised the importance of identifying, and monitoring not just project outputs but also whether a project is achieving its aims and providing lasting benefits to individuals and communities. The Outcomes Champion role ties in with our development of an outcomes tracking database to help groups monitor project outcomes and outputs, which is being funded by Capacitybuilders as part of their Improving Reach programme. Outcomes monitoring is a relatively new concept and The Charities Evaluation Service are leading the way in terms of promoting the approach amongst front-line organisations through this innovative National Outcomes Programme. As an Outcomes Champion, I am looking forward to working in partnership with local organisations to help develop both their knowledge and awareness of outcomes monitoring, and I will also be trialling the Outcomes tracking database which will provide organisations with a valuable practical tool for project outcome recording.
The National Outcomes Programme is being launched by the Charity Evaluation Services and for more information, please go to www.outcomesonline.org.uk. Details of Capacitybuilders' Improving Reach Programme can be found at: http://www.capacitybuilders.org.uk/fund/reach/default.asp
To contact David Ellis, please call 0845 1300 411.