Ian cycled LEJOG using an East Pennines route in 1991 but is best known for maintaining 'the ultimate links list' of LEJOG and JOGLE websites. You can visit this here. Ian has featured this blog and last year's very prominently on his list which Iam very grateful for. I have used Ian's list of links as the basis of the End to End shared bookmarks at del.icio.us/endtoend. This is represented as a 'tag cloud' in the first column of this blog (to the left).
If you want to put this tag cloud on your website or blog (well you might!) then simply insert the code below. This is a one-off task. As I add new links to del.icio.us, the cloud will change automatically. Clever . . . eh?
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://del.icio.us/feeds/js/tags/endtoend
[Ithink you may have to include the code as a single line (ie without the carriage returns) for it to work properly].