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Rob Gullen (of Rob & Joe infamy)

Firstly - well done, sorry I missed you at Stratford as you seem to have had to some non-NCN catching up!

The train!!! - our saga is well-documented when we did the E2E ... our last couple of Boys' Outing we have sent to the last B&B a "bike bag" which consists of a sheet of black garden fleece and roll of tape to convert a bike to "luggage" .... we haven't had to use it, but one day??

... and the MacRide on Sunday 9 Sept had nearly 400 riders, still counting the money but well into 5 figures.



You're right Rob we did have to do some non-NCN catching up. I ended up doing about 55% of the ride on the NCN and learnt a lot about the NCN in the process (to be written up). Well done on the Mac Ride. I did contyribute through a colleague at work who participated. A really good cause which our family has benefitted from directly.

With best wishes


monetary consulting

Your initial impression might be that he is direct and, most importantly, fast.


What with lip service being made to a greener future (funny how it's always future), it seems very odd that train companies are allowed to get away with this disgraceful treatment of cyclists. How difficult can it be to organise this in a more customer friendly way. Obviously there is no will to do so.

I really do not understand why a commitment to carry bicycles, and provision made for them on EVERY train, is not a condition of gaining a franchise in the first place.

Just look at how easy it is for cyclists in Switzerland - it can be done.

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