The GPS did exactly what it said on the tin. It displayed the routes brilliantly. You could not do what we are doing on the National Cycle Network without the routes in a GPS. Signs are few and far between.
We ran late all day and still had 50 miles to do at 5pm. At that point we were in Truro and the GPS ran out of battery. So with no GPS and an impossible number of miles to do we had to abandon the NCN and get to our accommodation via St Austell on the main roads. A bit of a disappointment but the only option we had. As it was we didn't get to our B&B until 10:45pm. Again the lack of the GPS to guide us was a real problem.
I will try to make sure we keep better timing tomorrow. We are having breakfast at 7:30.
PS: I have found the spare battery now.
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